Saturday, July 16, 2011

Counting Calories and Logging what you eat!

Everyone knows how important it is to count your calories and log what you eat. I read before that you should consider your calories as an allowance, you wouldn't mess around with your $$ allowance you have to set aside for bills and such, right?  So that is how i look at my calories allowance, and i 'usually' take them very seriously!

So I wanted to share where i count my calories, I use The Daily Plate at Livestrong, if you would like to follow my calorie counting journal there here is my link, just send me a friend request and i will ok it ;)

you may need to make an account there to send a friend request but while your at it give TDP a try, you will love it (and no I am not affiliated with that website in any way, just love it)

As far as calories I try to eat about 1200 calories a day. Sometimes I am a bit under sometimes over, but on average I eat 1200 calories a day. I have read there is a simple guideline, women should NEVER eat less than 1200 cals and men never under 1600.

I also want to share a great website that I LOVE for calculating BMI, calculating ideal body weight and all that great stuff, I use  check it out, it's a great resource!!